C# Jobs in New Zealand

Last updated: 10 December 2023

#7 in popularity

#26/32 in pay

Requested by 10.76% of employers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

C# is a general-purpose, high-level general purpose programming language designed by Anders Hejlsberg from Microsoft in 2000 and intended to be used with both hosted and embedded systems. C# features strong type checking, automatic garbage collection, and modern obect-oriented programming principles.

Salary Details
These pay rates don't include overtime or bonuses, or parts of salary packages such as cars.

Salary bracket:
Based on 1 results
$140,000 - $140,000

Average: $140,000

Not enough data to display

Average Salary vs Years of Experience

How does pay increase the longer you work in a job?

C# is frequently listed with

Experience Distribution:

Distribution of Requested Levels of Experience

Entry level being less than two years of relevant experience. Juniors between two and five. And seniors with more than five.

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Where are the jobs using C#?

C# by Location

Get Started in C#

We're on the lookout for courses that teach C#. If you graduated in New Zealand or online and recommend a course, please share it with us so we can add it here.