Selenium Jobs in New Zealand

Last updated: 10 December 2023

#54 in popularity

Requested by 0.78% of employers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Selenium is an open source umbrella project for a range of tools and libraries aimed at supporting browser automation. It provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests across most modern web browsers.

Salary Details
These pay rates don't include overtime or bonuses, or parts of salary packages such as cars.

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Average Salary vs Years of Experience

How does pay increase the longer you work in a job?

Selenium is frequently listed with

Experience Distribution:

Distribution of Requested Levels of Experience

Entry level being less than two years of relevant experience. Juniors between two and five. And seniors with more than five.

Employers requesting Selenium also look for skills in

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Where are the jobs using Selenium?

Selenium by Location

Get Started in Selenium

We're on the lookout for courses that teach Selenium. If you graduated in New Zealand or online and recommend a course, please share it with us so we can add it here.